My New Blog

So, I'm blogging again. And while I don't plan on abandoning The Linux Cast blog, I do plan on putting my book stuff here. I'll do reviews, reading wrap ups and so on here on this blog. See if I can draw an audience in the book space.

I've thought about creating a Booktube channel, and this will be a test flight for my commitment to that. If this can be something I can do, and maybe draw in a little audience, then a Booktube thing might be something I consider in the future.

The Book I'm Reading

Cover for Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross.
Cover for Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

So, I might as well start off with the book I'm reading right now. I finished The Secret Society of Irregular Witches and it was wonderful. I ended up giving it 4 stars, and will likely write my first review on this blog about that book. Today I started an KU book I picked up titled Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross.

With me being about 10% of the way through, it's okay. I'm not caught on it yet, but I'm also not so bored I can't continue. Seems to be one of those stories where the FMC and MMC write letters to each other, with at least one of them not knowing who they're really writing to. Not the most original, but the backdrop of gods and magic and war is pretty cool. We'll see how much that backdrop actually plays into the story.

I'm also still reading Mistborn: The Final Empire. Not making much progress in that. I'm stubbornly not DNF'ing it. It's not horrible. I just haven't gotten attached to the characters yet, and given that I'm 300 pages into the first book, that's unfortunate.

Then there's The Will of the Many, which I'm about 25% of the way through. Now this one I am probably going to DNF. Not only am I not attached to the MC, I kinda hate him. He's arrogant and stupid. Two qualities I can't stand in a main character. I'm taking a long break from it now, we'll see if I ever pick it back up.

Sick of Series

Another thing I need to rant about is that I am sick of every book being a series now. Even this new one, Divine Rivals, is the start of a series. Why? Why can't it just be a good stand alone.

Part of my angst here is that I am terrible at looking to see if the book I'm about to start is part of a series before I start it. So, I always find out mid-way through, and that makes things a little sour for me. I don't like series all that much, mostly because a lot of the ones I've enjoyed are hilariously unfinished. I say hilariously, because they're never, ever, ever going to be finished. Looking at you Patrick Rothfuss, you bastard.

It's apparently too hard to find a stand alone these days. Irregular Witches was a stand alone, thank goodness, but it's one of the few this year that I've picked up that weren't a part of a larger series.


I haven't written a book review since I was at Michigan State. I guess when I write my first for this blog, it'll be an interesting experience. Furthermore, I have written some blurbs for Good Reads, but I don't really count those less-than-1000-word blurbs as a review. Comments more than anything, really.

One thing I want to do here is just have some fun. I've been thinking about expanding into book content for a while now, and this is the start of that. Maybe a podcast or a YouTube channel will pop out of this, but first, it's going to be a blog.


I chose ghost because it looks very low effort and better than WordPress. IDK how it will work having all my content behind a signup, that may very well mean nobody ever reads this stuff. I guess that's a risk. But I'm lazy, and I know that if I have to set up a WordPress blog or Hugo or whatever, I'll spend all my time doing a theme or adding in plugins, and no time blogging. So I selected this. I think it will work, but if not, I'll take my ass elsewhere. I'm sure there are other options.

So that's it for my first Bookie Blog. Let me know what you think.